The International Medieval Combat Federation, (IMCF) is a global historical full contact sport fighting revival movement, in which combatants use historically accurate reproduction medieval armour and blunted weapons to engage in competitive fights according to tournament rules.
The World Championships are held annually and attract competitors from across the globe!
The battles take place in an arena, called a ‘List’ and range from one on one fights up to group fights, called buhurt, between two teams of up to 16 fighters each. Other categories are; Buhurt: 5vs5, 10vs10 and 16vs16 and Women 3vs3, Duels (1vs1) men and women: Longsword, Halberd and Sword and Shield
Throughout the day you will be able to wander through the medieval encampment and chat to the officials and some of the fighters.
There will be additional entertainment, a range of food outlets serving delicious street food, traditional medieval retail stalls, music, along with stalls selling replica and toy swords, helmets and figurines.