
History and related entertainment for the medieval enthusiast.


Vengeance in Medieval Europe: A Reader

How did medieval society deal with private justice, with grudges, and with violent emotions? This ground-breaking reader collects for the first time a number of...[Read More]

The Limbourg Brothers: Reflections on the Origins & the Legacy of Three Illuminators from Nijmegen

In 2005, Museum Het Valkhof in Nijmegen presented the exhibition The Limbourg Brothers. Nijmegen Masters at the French Court (1400-1416). This was the first tim...[Read More]

The Ecclesiastical History of the English People: The Greater Chronicle – Bede’s Letter to Egbert

As well as providing the authoritative Colgrave translation of the Ecclesiastical History, this edition includes a new translation of the Greater Chronicle, in ...[Read More]

Out of the East: Spices & the Medieval Imagination

How medieval Europe’s infatuation with expensive, fragrant, and exotic spices led to an era of colonial expansion and the discovery of new worlds

The Kalevala: An Epic Poem after Oral Tradition

This new and exciting translation by poet Keith Bosley, is the first to truly combine liveliness with accuracy in a way which reflects the richness of the origi...[Read More]

Germanic Tribes: The Complete Four-Part Saga

The series breathes new life into the little known world of the Germanic tribes. We see how they lived, fought, and worshipped their gods. Intricate 3D animatio...[Read More]

The Byzantine Wars

A history of the wars between Byzantium and its numerous foes - the Goths, Arabs, Slavs, Crusaders and Ottoman Turks. By the middle of the sixth century the Byz...[Read More]

The Last Days of the Incas

In 1532, the fifty-four-year-old Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro led a force of 167 men, including his four brothers, to the shores of Peru, heralding th...[Read More]

The Mabinogion

Celtic mythology, Arthurian romance, and an intriguing interpretation of British history--these are just some of the themes embraced by the anonymous authors of...[Read More]


The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel, who is terrorizing Denmark, then Grendel's Mother, who begins killing out of revenge.

Handbook to Life in Medieval & Early Modern Japan

Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan provides all the essential information for anyone interested in Japanese history, society, or culture.

The Welsh Wars of Independence: 410-1415

This study analyzes the wars of Welsh independence that encompass centuries of raids, expeditions, battles, and sieges.

New Report
