
The Mabinogion

Celtic mythology, Arthurian romance, and an intriguing interpretation of British history--these are just some of the themes embraced by the anonymous authors of the eleven tales that make up the Welsh medieval masterpiece known as the Mabinogion.

Le Morte d’Arthur

The tales, steeped in the magic of Merlin, the powerful cords of the chivalric code, and the age-old dramas of love and death, resound across the centuries.

Myths & Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian & Celtic Religions

The Celts and Germans and Scandinavians had much in common in their religious practices and beliefs, and this is the first serious attempt that has been made to compare them. Even though this work has been expanded upon with new thoughts and theories since its publication in 1988, it remains a classic addition to the library of any historical enthusiast.

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