Dierk Hagedorn

Renaissance Combat: Jörg Wilhalm’s Fightbook, 1522-1523

Longsword instructor Dierk Hagedorn brings the work of one of the most prolific authors of 16th century fight books to a modern audience for the first time.

The Foundation & Core of All the Arts of Fighting: The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a

This work presents a teaching that is unique in the tradition, more focused on ideas and concepts than on individual plays or techniques. In this way, it is the perfect companion to the more action-oriented glosses of other masters like Sigmund ain Ringeck, Pseudo-Peter von Danzig, and Jud Lew. This book seeks to present these teachings in a new light, with an original translation that is easier to read and understand than existing offerings.

Medieval Combat in Colour: Hans Talhoffer’s Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter Combat from 1467

Hans Talhoffer's professional fencing manual of 1467 illustrates the intricacies of the medieval art of fighting, covering both the 'judicial duel' (an officially sanctioned fight to resolve a legal dispute) and personal combat.

New Report
