
Secrets of Britain’s Great Cathedrals

Dominating the landscape for centuries, ancient cathedrals and abbeys reflect Britain's turbulent history through their architectural grandeur. Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores cathedrals and abbeys found throughout England and Wales, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking footage filming their legendary facades and soaring interior spaces.

The Normans – The Complete Epic Saga

The history of the Normans is a chronicle of the roots of modern society, religion and politics. This landmark three-part series presents the epic story of the Normans as it has never before told before.

The Sultan and the Saint – The Crusades

Two men of faith, one a traveling Christian preacher, the other the ruler of a Muslim Empire, bucked a century of war, distrust, and insidious propaganda in a search for mutual respect and common ground. It is the story of Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt, and their meeting on a bloody battlefield during the period of Christian- Muslim conflict known as the Crusades.

Living History: Experiencing Great Events of the Ancient & Medieval Worlds

Time and again, moments shape history. We often examine history from a distant vantage, zooming in on a few kings and battles. But history is made up of individuals who were as alive in their time as we are today. Pausing on a few key individuals and magnifying specific moments in their lives allows us to experience history in a whole new way-as a vibrant story, full of life.

1066: The Battle for Middle Earth

In the year 1066, England changed forever. . Now, this epic, roller-coaster adventure of invasion, resistance and war tells the stor y from the ground up - from the point of view of those everyday men and their families - as they are hurled into the turmoil of war. Two young men, Tofi and Leofric, are swept up in the events that will change Europe for ever. Forced to defend their country, the t wo men join King Harold's army, and, at the battle of Stamford Bridge defeat the great Viking army. But before they have time to recover, news reaches them that the Normans have landed in Sussex. Their home village is under attack, and they must run south to fight the epic battle of Hastings.

In Search Of The Dark Ages

Historian Michael Wood presents this BBC series about the Dark Ages. Originally aired in 1981, the series gives the audience an insight into the period known as the Dark Ages with Wood going on a journey of discovery to find out what really happened in Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire.

Medieval Dead

Delve into the past as the Medieval Dead give up their secrets. Engaging accounts and background given by leaders in their field as well as reenactments help to flesh out these stories from accross the ages.

Going Medieval

Historian and weapons expert Mike Loades takes us on a high-energy, action filled, fact-rich rampage through the medieval world. Along the way, Mike separates myth from reality and finds out what it was like to live, work, and fight through this extraordinary time.

Medieval Fight Book

Violent, secretive, and packed full of knowledge, Medieval Fight Book uncovers the real story of Europe in the Middle Ages. Using historical recreations, amazing CGI and leading historians, Medieval Fight Book reveals that medieval society was far more sophisticated and peculiar than we realized. Hidden in a dusty library, this obscure and strange manuscript contains unique imagery of bloody but highly sophisticated combat, futuristic designs and inventions, ingenious engineering and judicial duels. Hans Talhoffer's 1459 fightbook is one of the medieval worlds' most mysterious manuscripts, challenging the legends and myths that surrounded this often misunderstood period of our history.

NOVA: Building the Great Cathedrals

Carved from a hundred million pounds of stone, soaring effortlessly atop a spider web of masonry, Gothic cathedrals are marvels of human achievement and artistry. But how did medieval builders reach such spectacular heights?

Celts: The Complete Epic Saga

For the first time, the story of The Celts is presented in this six- episode set as told by The Celts themselves. The Celts were the first European people north of the Alps to rise from anonymity. Wild and ferocious, they were also romantics and mystics and they shared a family of languages that are now the oldest living tongues of Europe. Their story is one of survival, defiance and creativity often in the face of oppression. The episodes included in this series are: In The Beginning, Heroes In Defeat, The Sacred Groves, From Camelot To Christ, Legend and Reality and A Dead Song?

German Medieval Martial Arts: The Poleaxe

The medieval knight was a well-trained fighting man, expert in the use of many weapons. One of his premiere weapons was the poleaxe, which combined aspects of a spear, hammer and sword into one, deadly form. Well-balanced and surprisingly agile, even the knight's armour was no sure defense against its swift thrusts and heavy blows. German Medieval Martial Arts, Vol 1: The Poleaxe provides a complete overview and training curriculum for this fearsome weapon. Guards, blows, disarms and throws taken from the writing of Medieval masters-at-arms are meticulously depicted and broken down with step-by step instructions for the individual student or training group. But more than just drills and techniques, you will learn the history of the poleaxe's evolution and its role in the tournament, judici...

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