Buhurt League World Cup: Bitva Libusin
27-30 April (30 is optional for seminars/trainings)
Libusin, Czech Republic (40 min from center of Prague)
27 April: 1vs1
28 April: 5vs5
29 April: 1vs1 finals, 5vs5 Finals, 12vs12, 30vs30, all vs all
30 April: seminars (TBA)
Two camps (Historical and Modern), with showers, toilets, etc.
Also, you stay in Prague, we are planning to organize transfers from Kladno railway station to the venue and back (Prague > Kladno – 40 min, 3$), so you can stay in comfort in beautiful Prague.
Pre-registration is open, I need to know which teams will attend, how many fighters +-, etc. Detailed registration will be opened in late January/February.
Marshals will be gathered in February.
Bitva Libusin is the oldest Medieval Festival in Czech Republic, in 2023 it will be 30th edition and always happened the same weekend. I know many would be hurt that it’s same weekend with IMCF, but I have no choice to move dates anyhow. It’s a question to hold a tournament or not at all.
5vs5 part of the tournament as regular Buhurt Masters tournament status (same amount of points, winner gets direct invitation to the final tournament of the season)
12vs12 and 30vs30 as National teams and/or Alliances
1vs1 depends on number of participants. (May be limited by certain number per country)