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Keppinautur 2023 – Charity HEMA Tournament

*English below*
Keppinautur er byrjendavænt góðgerðarmót í langsverðum sem er opið öllum HEMA iðkendum.
Fjöldatakmark á skráningar er 24 alls
Þetta er annað íslenska HEMA mótið fyrir fullorðna og er tileinkað minningu Szczepan Łakomy, sem lést í eldsvoða 25. júní 2020.
Öll skráningargjöld renna til góðgerðarstofnunarinnar Razom for Ukraine:
1. sæti: Gull medalía og 1 árs montréttsbikar !
2. sæti: Silfur medalía og harðfiskur !
3. sæti: Brons medalía og hákarlakjöt !
Dagskrá viðburða
Laugardaginn 11. mars
10:00 vopna- og brynjueftirlit
10:30 upphitun
11:00 langsverða-pools (4×6 manna hópar)
Mæting og pools munu ákveða tímasetningar það sem eftir er dagsins
~16:00 útsláttarkeppni (elimination rounds)
~17:00 undanúrslit og úrslit í langsverðum
Nánari dagskrá verður auglýst síðar
Sunnudaginn 12. mars
10:00 – Guðbjörg Lóa and Jana Lind – Glíma – Hugging things out
11:00 – Diana Matthess – Binden, Fühlen, Winden – Exercises to improve your bindwork, fun with blindfolds and swords
11:45 – Jan Jodas – Whose right? – Fencing opposite handed opponents
12:30 – Ísleifur Gissurarson – Stick them with the pointy end – Spear & buckler fun
13:15 – Miro Lahtela – Honey badger mode
14:00 – Rúnar Páll Benediktsson – Tips n’ Tricks – Analyzing and confusing your opponent
14:45 – Ville Välemäki – More to come
15:30 – Paul – Killing friends and loved ones (a beginners guide to melee) – learn how to work as a team as well as how to take on multiple opponents and live to tell the tale
Heimilisfang viðburðar: Laugardalsvöllur, 104 Reykjavík
Takið eftir að til að skrá sig sem keppanda eða bjóða sig fram þarf að fylla í eyðublaðið hér:
[kemur bráðum]
auk þess að greiða skráningargjald (3000 kr) til kt. 640919-1240 & bankanr. 0515-26-004768
fyrir 28. febrúar
Nánari upplýsingar koma þegar viðburðurinn nálgast!
Keppinautur is a beginner friendly longsword charity tournament that is open to all HEMA practitioners.
There is a cap on registrations: 24 open slots total
This is the second Icelandic HEMA tournament for adults and is dedicated to the memory of Szczepan Łakomy, who passed away in a fire on the 25th of June 2020.
All registration fees will be donated to Razom for Ukraine:
1st place: Gold medal, 1 year bragging rights trophy, and the friends you make along the way!
2nd place: Silver medal, dried fish, and the friends you make along the way !
3rd place: Bronze medal, shark meat, and the friends you make along the way !
Event Schedule
Saturday 11th of March
10:00 weapons and armor checks
10:30 warmups
11:00 longsword pools (4 pools with 6 people each)
Attendance and pools will decide following timeslots for the rest of the day
~16:00 elimination rounds
~17:00 longsword finals
A more detailed schedule will be announced later
Sunday 12th of March
10:00 – Guðbjörg Lóa and Jana Lind – Glímusamband Íslands – Icelandic wrestling – Hugging things out
11:00 – Diana Matthess – Binden, Fühlen, Winden – Exercises to improve your bindwork, fun with blindfolds and swords
11:45 – Honza Jodas – Whose right? – Fencing opposite handed opponents
12:30 – Ísleifur Gissurarson – Stick them with the pointy end – Spear & buckler fun
13:15 – Miro Lahtela – Honey badger mode
14:00 – Rúnar Páll – Tips n’ Tricks – Analyzing and confusing your opponent
14:45 – Ville Välemäki – TBD
15:30 – Paul O’Brien – Killing friends and loved ones (a beginners guide to melee) – learn how to work as a team as well as how to take on multiple opponents and live to tell the tale
Event Address: Laugardalsvöllur, 104 Reykjavík
Notice that to register to compete or volunteer you need to sign the form here:
[Coming soon]
as well as pay the registration fee (3000 isk) to kt. 640919-1240 & bank nr. 0515-26-004768
before the 28th of February
More details to come as the event approaches !

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Reykjavik HEMA Club
Reykjavik HEMA Club, Reykjavegur 15
Reykjavik, Capital Region Iceland
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+354 845 1073
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