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Myrddin – the Welsh Merlin by Dr Mark Williams

28/11/2022 @ 22:00 - 23:30 GMT
Myrddin – the Welsh Merlin – 28 Nov 2022
Everyone thinks they know Arthur’s enchanter; this lecture makes the case that we do not know the Welsh figure who lies behind him nearly so well. This is Myrddin, not a wizard but a wildman and forest-dwelling prophet. We look at some early Welsh poems (one spoken by Myrddin to his pet piglet) and some high medieval texts which let us glimpse the lost Celtic saga of Merlin.
don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day
Dr Mark Williams is Fellow and Tutor in English at St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford. He is a specialist in the medieval languages and literatures of Wales and Ireland, and the author of Ireland’s Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth (Princeton, 2016), and The Celtic Myths that Shaped the Way We Think (Thames & Hudson, 2021). He is in training as a Jungian psychoanalyst
Further Reading
W. B. Yeats, ‘Rosa Alchemica’ in Mythologies (many editions)
George Russell, ‘The Legends of Ancient Eire’ www.teozofija.info…

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