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Jews and Jewishness in English Renaissance Literature and Culture


Weekly via Zoom, 16 Mar – 18 May 2022.
This course, will tackle complex themes by reading and discussing canonical and lesser-known English Renaissance texts that feature Jewish characters and Jewish questions.
Topics that range from medieval literary precedents to Elizabethan theater conventions will be examined, reading excerpts from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta, William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, and much more.
This class is open to anyone interested in the topic.

Men of Terror: Viking Combat


About one thousand years ago, a man named Fraði died in Sweden. His kinsmen raised a granite runestone to his memory in Denmark. The inscription tells us that Fraði was the“first among all Vikings” and that he was a “terror of men.” What did Fraði do that caused him to be memorialized with this stone? What was this society that immortalized men like Fraði in a stone that has stood for one thousand years, people who were men of terror?

New Report
