
Armour of the English Knight 1400-1450

Written by the Wallace Collection Curator of Arms and Armour Tobias Capwell, this detailed and lavishly illustrated book chronicles the armour worn by English men-at-arms during the later phases of the Hundred Years War.

Welcome to The Medieval Life – Shining a light on the Medieval Past

Welcome to The Medieval Life - Shining a light on the medieval past. The one-stop source for education and living history for the worldwide history community. Reenactment, sports, events, media, products and services - all found in one convenient place.

The Medieval Kitchen: A Social History with Recipes

Evoking the dining rooms and kitchens of Europe some six hundred years ago, The Medieval Kitchen will tempt anyone with a taste for the food, customs, and folklore of times long past.

Medieval Fight Book

Violent, secretive, and packed full of knowledge, Medieval Fight Book uncovers the real story of Europe in the Middle Ages. Using historical recreations, amazing CGI and leading historians, Medieval Fight Book reveals that medieval society was far more sophisticated and peculiar than we realized. Hidden in a dusty library, this obscure and strange manuscript contains unique imagery of bloody but highly sophisticated combat, futuristic designs and inventions, ingenious engineering and judicial duels. Hans Talhoffer's 1459 fightbook is one of the medieval worlds' most mysterious manuscripts, challenging the legends and myths that surrounded this often misunderstood period of our history.

Medieval Warrior: Weapons, Technology, And Fighting Techniques, Ad 1000-1500

More than 300 beautiful and comprehensive color illustrations showcase the weapons, equipment, techniques, and tactics of the medieval warrior. All types of soldiers appear in stunning detail—including English longbowmen, Norman knights, Milanese crossbowmen, Saxon huscarls, Swiss pikemen, Hussite handgunners, Mongol horse archers, and Mamluk cavalry.

A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age

In graceful prose, and with the authority of his extraordinary gift for narrative history, William Manchester leads us from a civilization teetering on the brink of collapse to the grandeur of its rebirth during the Renaissance, a dense explosion of energy that spawned some of history’s greatest poets, philosophers, painters, adventurers, and reformers, as well as some of its most spectacular villains.

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