Our friends from Ukraine: Medieval Extreme

As an armchair historian who came to the wonderful, hectic sport of Historical Medieval Battle and Buhurt sometime in 2015 (?), I went on a mass "Add Friend" spree to meet and connect with various buhurtists all over the world...

Tournoi de Woippy Buhurt League Tournament 2022

Tournoi de Woippy, Buhurt Challenger Tournament 2022

Torneo Delle Alpi Buhurt League Tournament 2022

E' arrivato il momento di aggiungere ai buoni propositi per l'anno nuovo una nuova passione ricca di emozioni! Lo sport da combattimento a squadre più spettacolare di sempre: la BUHURT

Pascal Vuk JustOut Festival Buhurt League Tournament 2022

See you in Despotovac, at the foot of the walls of the Manasija monastery!

Mercia Challenge Cup Buhurt League Tournament 2022

No Mercy at Towcester Greyhound Stadium with an international roster of teams out for gold!

Desafío San Luís de Letras Buhurt League Tournament 2022

Combates de Caballeros | Espectáculos | Mercado Medieval | Juegos

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