“The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest: Philippo Vadi’s De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi with an Introduction, Translation, Commentary, and Glossary” by Guy Windsor and Philippo Vadi
From the late fifteenth century comes a detailed manuscript on knightly combat, written by Philippo Vadi. Dedicated to one of the most famous Italian condottiere of the age, Guidobaldo, Duke of Urbino, this book covers the theory of combat with the longsword, as well as dozens of techniques of the sword, the spear, the pollax, and the dagger.
This black and white paperback edition of The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest includes a detailed introduction, setting Vadi and his combat style in their historical context, a complete translation of the manuscript, and a detailed commentary from the perspective of the practising martial artist.
This is essential reading for any practitioner of knightly combat, academic historian, or enthusiast for the quattrocento period of Italian history.